
"Malaysia" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word Malaysia? Please find below our selected examples of "Malaysia" in a sentence.

As a noun:
1. Malaysia is a country located in Southeast Asia.
2. I have always wanted to visit Malaysia to experience its rich culture.
3. The cuisine in Malaysia is known for its bold flavors and diverse influences.
4. Malaysia has a tropical climate with plenty of sunshine throughout the year.
5. The capital city of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur.

As an adjective:
1. Malaysian cuisine is popular for its unique blend of flavors.
2. She bought a beautiful Malaysian batik dress during her trip to Kuala Lumpur.
3. The Malaysian government is working on implementing new policies to boost economic growth.

As a verb:
1. He dreams of Malaysia every night after watching a documentary about the country.
2. I plan to Malaysia in the next few months to explore the rainforests and beaches.
3. The company decided to Malaysia their products to cater to the Southeast Asian market.