Categories: Law and Security

"Manacles" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word manacles? Please find below our selected examples of "Manacles" in a sentence.

As Nouns:
1. The manacles clanked loudly as the prisoner shuffled across the cold, damp floor.
2. The detective placed the manacles on the suspect's wrists before leading him to the interrogation room.
3. The heavy manacles restricted the prisoner's movements and made escape nearly impossible.

As Verbs:
1. The guards manacled the criminal before escorting him to his cell.
2. She watched as the police officer carefully manacled the suspect's hands behind his back.
3. The prisoners were violently manacled by the guards, causing them to wince in pain.

As Adjectives:
1. The manacled criminal hung his head in defeat as he awaited his sentencing.
2. The manacled prisoner looked forlorn as he sat in his cell, contemplating his fate.
3. The manacled hands of the suspect left deep marks from the tight restraints.