
Meaning of manoeuvring: Delve into the meaning and definition of manoeuvring on our page. Explore what manoeuvring truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does manoeuvring mean to you?

Manoeuvring refers to the act of skillfully moving or guiding something in a particular direction in order to achieve a desired outcome. It can involve navigating a vehicle, ship, or aircraft, as well as making strategic or tactical movements in a specific situation. In a broader sense, manoeuvring can also refer to manipulating a situation or person in a clever or skillful way to achieve one's own goals or objectives. In a military context, manoeuvring often involves tactical movements of troops or equipment to outmaneuver the enemy or gain a strategic advantage. In everyday life, manoeuvring can involve navigating social situations, negotiations, or other complex interactions with finesse and skill. Overall, manoeuvring encompasses the idea of carefully planning and executing movements or actions with precision and skill to achieve a specific outcome.