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Meaning of might: Delve into the meaning and definition of might on our page. Explore what might truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does might mean to you?

The word "might" in English can have multiple meanings depending on the context in which it is used. One common definition of "might" is as a modal verb indicating possibility or probability. For example, "He might be at home" suggests that there is a possibility that he is at home. Another meaning of "might" is as a synonym for strength or power, often used in a hypothetical or speculative context. For instance, "With all her might, she tried to lift the heavy box" conveys the idea of using all of one's strength to accomplish a task. Additionally, "might" can also be used to express permission or formal polite requests. For example, "Might I borrow your pen for a moment?" signifies asking for permission in a more polite manner. Overall, "might" is a versatile word that can convey various nuances of possibility, strength, permission, and politeness in the English language.