Categories: General

"Mine" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word mine? Please find below our selected examples of "Mine" in a sentence.

As nouns:
1. The mine in that region has been closed for years.
2. He worked in a coal mine for most of his life.
3. The diamond mine produced some incredibly valuable stones.
4. Please pass me that book; it's mine.

As verbs:
1. I mine my own cryptocurrency to earn passive income.
2. She likes to mine for information on the internet.
3. The company continues to mine for gold in the mountains.
4. He plans to mine resources from the asteroid belt in outer space.
5. They wanted to mine the data for insights on consumer behavior.
6. The workers will begin to mine for coal at the new site tomorrow.

As possessive pronoun:
1. The house across the street is mine.
2. Is that pen mine or did I borrow it from you?
3. The responsibility to clean up the mess is mine.
4. The victory was theirs, but the glory was all mine.