
"Modest" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word modest? Please find below our selected examples of "Modest" in a sentence.

As an adjective:
1. She lived in a modest apartment downtown.
2. His modest demeanor never failed to impress those around him.
3. They were proud of their modest home in the countryside.
4. Despite her modest income, she was able to save enough to travel abroad.

As an adverb:
5. She dresses modestly, always opting for simple, understated pieces.
6. He spoke modestly about his accomplishments, never boasting or seeking attention.
7. The house was decorated modestly, with minimalist furniture and neutral colors.

As a noun:
8. Her modesty was admirable, as she never sought recognition for her achievements.
9. The clothing brand is known for its modest designs, perfect for those with a more reserved style.

As a verb:
10. He modestly accepted the award, thanking his team for their support.
11. She modestly declined the offer, feeling that she was not qualified for the position.