Categories: General

"Mrs." in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word Mrs.? Please find below our selected examples of "Mrs." in a sentence.

As a noun:
1. Mrs. Smith is our neighbor who bakes the best cookies.
2. Can you please ask Mrs. Johnson to come speak with me?
3. The teacher introduced herself as Mrs. Thompson.
4. We received a lovely card from Mrs. Anderson.

As a title:
1. Mrs. Davis will be leading the meeting today.
2. Please welcome Mrs. Brown, our guest speaker.
3. Mrs. Lee is attending the conference next week.
4. The award was presented by Mrs. Robinson.

As an abbreviation:
1. Mrs. is often used to denote a married woman.
2. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are celebrating their anniversary.
3. She prefers to be called Mrs. instead of Ms.
4. The letter was addressed to Mrs. Williams.