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Meaning of must: Delve into the meaning and definition of must on our page. Explore what must truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does must mean to you?

Must is a modal verb in English that is used to express a strong necessity or obligation to do something. It can indicate a requirement or obligation based on external factors, such as rules, laws, or expectations. For example, "You must wear a seatbelt while driving" shows a legal requirement. Must can also convey a strong recommendation or advice, emphasizing the importance of a particular action. For instance, "You must see this movie, it's amazing!" suggests a strong recommendation rather than a strict obligation. In addition, must is used to express logical deduction or certainty about a present or past situation, such as "He must be at home by now" or "She must have forgotten about the meeting." Overall, must is a versatile word that conveys necessity, obligation, recommendation, and certainty in various contexts.