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Meaning of overnight: Delve into the meaning and definition of overnight on our page. Explore what overnight truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does overnight mean to you?

"Overnight" is commonly used as an adverb to describe something that happens or is done during the night, or takes a short amount of time, typically occurring between when a person goes to bed and wakes up the following morning. It can also refer to something that occurs suddenly or unexpectedly, as if it happened in the span of one night. Another common usage of "overnight" is to describe a process or change that happens quickly or suddenly, without warning or preparation, such as becoming famous or successful overnight. Additionally, it can be used figuratively to indicate that something has changed drastically or significantly in a short period of time. Overall, "overnight" is a versatile word that embodies concepts of time, speed, and suddenness in various contexts.