
Meaning of overrule: Delve into the meaning and definition of overrule on our page. Explore what overrule truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does overrule mean to you?

To "overrule" means to refuse to accept or allow something, typically a decision or opinion, by asserting one's authority or a higher authority. It can also mean to invalidate or overthrow a decision that has been made by a lower court or official through a higher authority. In legal contexts, overruling can refer to a higher court's decision that supersedes a lower court's ruling or a judge's decision in a case. Additionally, in everyday language, overruling can be used more broadly to reject or disregard someone's opinion or decision in favor of one's own. Overall, the term "overrule" signifies the act of rejecting, overturning, or refusing to comply with a particular decision, judgment, or opinion.