Categories: General

"Pack" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word pack? Please find below our selected examples of "Pack" in a sentence.

As a noun:
1. I need to buy a pack of pens for school.
2. The pack of wolves howled at the moon.
3. She carried a heavy pack on her back during the hike.
4. The prize for winning the race was a pack of coupons.
5. He kept a pack of gum in his pocket at all times.

As a verb:
1. Don't forget to pack your toothbrush for the trip.
2. She had to pack all her belongings into boxes before moving.
3. I need to pack my lunch for work tomorrow.
4. He helped his friend pack for their vacation.
5. Can you pack the bags before we leave?

As an adjective:
1. He wore a pack sweater to stay warm in the cold weather.
2. The pack response from the audience was overwhelming.
3. The pack lunch was a simple sandwich and apple.
4. Her pack schedule left little time for socializing.
5. The backpack was a convenient pack storage option for the hike.