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Meaning of package: Delve into the meaning and definition of package on our page. Explore what package truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does package mean to you?

The word "package" has multiple meanings in English. One common definition refers to a wrapped or boxed container that holds items for transport or storage. Packages can range in size and shape, and may contain anything from goods and merchandise to gifts and letters. In another sense, "package" can also refer to a set of related items or products that are bundled together for sale or distribution. For example, a software package may include a program along with additional features or tools. Additionally, "package" can be used as a verb to describe the act of preparing items for transport by placing them in a container or wrapping them securely. Furthermore, "package" can also refer to a specific set of benefits, services, or accommodations offered as part of a deal or agreement. For instance, a vacation package may include flights, accommodations, and activities for one bundled price. Overall, the word "package" encompasses a range of meanings related to containers, bundles, and offerings in various contexts.