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Meaning of pattern: Delve into the meaning and definition of pattern on our page. Explore what pattern truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does pattern mean to you?

Pattern can have multiple meanings depending on the context in which it is used. In general, a pattern refers to a repeated decorative design or structure, such as those found in textiles, wallpaper, or artwork. It can also describe a model or template that can be used to replicate or guide a specific action or process. In a broader sense, pattern can refer to a consistent or predictable form or behavior. For example, a weather pattern refers to the typical sequence of atmospheric conditions in a specific region. In mathematics, a pattern can describe a regular and predictable sequence of numbers or shapes. Additionally, the word pattern can also be used figuratively to describe a recurring theme or trend. For example, someone's behavior may follow a discernible pattern, or a series of events may exhibit a pattern of cause and effect. Overall, the term pattern encompasses various meanings related to design, structure, predictability, and repetition.