
Meaning of pedant: Delve into the meaning and definition of pedant on our page. Explore what pedant truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does pedant mean to you?

A pedant is someone who is overly concerned with minor details or knowledge, often to the point of being annoying or overly focused on rules and correctness. They tend to nitpick and correct others on trivial matters, showing off their knowledge in a pretentious or condescending manner. Pedants may prioritize correctness over understanding or practicality, making them a source of frustration in conversations or interactions. In academic settings, pedants may be overly focused on academic minutiae rather than the bigger picture or real-world applications of their knowledge. Overall, the term "pedant" carries a negative connotation, describing someone who is overly concerned with trivial details and rules, often at the expense of more important or meaningful aspects of a situation.