Categories: Law and Security

Meaning of peremptory: Delve into the meaning and definition of peremptory on our page. Explore what peremptory truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does peremptory mean to you?

Peremptory in English refers to something that is insisting on immediate attention or obedience; in an imperious or dictatorial manner. It can also mean leaving no opportunity for denial or refusal; final. The term is often used in legal contexts to describe an order or command that must be obeyed without question. In some cases, a peremptory request or demand may be considered abrupt or brusque, showing a lack of willingness to consider other options or opinions. Additionally, peremptory can also refer to a tone of voice or demeanor that conveys authority and finality, leaving no room for discussion or negotiation. Overall, the word carries a sense of urgency, decisiveness, and assertiveness.