
Meaning of prescription: Delve into the meaning and definition of prescription on our page. Explore what prescription truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does prescription mean to you?

Prescription in English can have several meanings depending on the context in which it is used. One common meaning of prescription is a written order from a medical professional that authorizes the dispensing of a specific medication to a patient. This type of prescription includes details such as the name of the medication, dosage instructions, and the patient's information. Another meaning of prescription is a set of guidelines or instructions, often in written form, that serve as a recommendation or rule for how to achieve a certain outcome. For example, a prescription for success may include advice on setting goals, staying motivated, and working hard. Additionally, prescription can refer to a customary practice or belief that is considered authoritative or binding within a particular context or culture. This can include social norms, traditions, or rules that dictate behavior or expectations. Overall, prescription can encompass the idea of orders, guidelines, or authoritative practices that are meant to be followed or adhered to in various situations.