Categories: General

"Prior" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word prior? Please find below our selected examples of "Prior" in a sentence.

As an adjective:
1. He informed me prior to the meeting that he would be late.
2. I need your decision prior to the end of the day.
3. The class must complete the assignment prior to the deadline.
4. Did you speak to the client prior to finalize the deal?

As a noun:
1. Did you receive the book prior to the author's talk?
2. She asked for an extension to work on the project prior to the deadline.
3. The article was published without any prior notice.
4. We need to confirm your prior experience in order to hire you for the position.

As an adverb:
1. Please let me know prior if you are unable to attend the event.
2. The team must complete the project prior in order to meet the deadline.
3. Did you send out the invitations prior to planning the menu?
4. He must study for the exam prior or he won't pass.