
"Pulpit" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word pulpit? Please find below our selected examples of "Pulpit" in a sentence.

As a noun:
1. The pastor stood behind the pulpit, ready to deliver his sermon.
2. The wooden pulpit in the church was beautifully carved with intricate designs.
3. The preacher's voice echoed through the sanctuary from the elevated pulpit.
4. The pulpit was adorned with fresh flowers for the special service.

As a verb:
1. The pastor pulpit his message with passion and conviction.
2. She pulpit her ideas to the congregation during the youth group meeting.
3. The guest speaker pulpit about the importance of giving back to the community.
4. The minister pulpit his sermon on forgiveness and redemption.

As an adjective:
1. The pulpit chair was reserved for special guests and speakers.
2. The pulpit microphone crackled with feedback during the service.
3. The pulpit Bible was open to the book of Psalms.
4. The pulpit light illuminated the pastor's face as he spoke.