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Meaning of read: Delve into the meaning and definition of read on our page. Explore what read truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does read mean to you?

The word "read" in English has multiple meanings depending on its context. As a verb, it typically refers to the act of interpreting written or printed material by looking at and understanding the characters or symbols. This can include reading books, articles, instructions, or any written text. "Read" can also mean to examine or understand the meaning of something, such as a situation or a person's thoughts or emotions. In a more figurative sense, "read" can refer to understanding or interpreting something in a non-literal way, such as reading between the lines or reading someone's body language. It can also mean to predict or discern information or intentions, as in "reading the signs" or "reading the room". Overall, "read" is a versatile word with various nuanced meanings related to interpretation, understanding, and perception in a range of contexts.