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Meaning of regular: Delve into the meaning and definition of regular on our page. Explore what regular truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does regular mean to you?

"Regular" can have a variety of meanings in English depending on the context in which it is used. It can refer to something that is done or occurring frequently, at consistent intervals, or in a predictable manner. For example, a "regular customer" is someone who visits a particular business often, while a "regular schedule" is a set routine that occurs regularly. Additionally, "regular" can describe something that is within normal or standard limits, as opposed to something that is exceptional or irregular. For instance, a "regular heartbeat" is one that beats at a normal, steady rate. In this sense, "regular" can also mean conforming to a set pattern or following established rules. In some cases, "regular" can also be used to denote something that is ordinary or average, as opposed to extraordinary or special. For example, a "regular meal" might consist of common, everyday foods rather than gourmet dishes. Overall, the word "regular" encompasses the ideas of consistency, normality, and conformity to a standard, making it a versatile term with multiple meanings in the English language.