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Meaning of reveal: Delve into the meaning and definition of reveal on our page. Explore what reveal truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does reveal mean to you?

The word "reveal" in English has several meanings, but generally refers to the act of making something known or visible that was previously concealed or hidden. One common use of "reveal" is in the context of disclosing information or secrets, such as revealing a surprise party or revealing a hidden talent. This can also include revealing the truth or exposing a deception. For example, a detective might reveal the identity of a criminal or evidence that solves a case. In a more literal sense, "reveal" can also refer to physically unveiling or uncovering something. For instance, pulling back a curtain to reveal a stage or opening a present to reveal its contents. Overall, "reveal" carries the idea of bringing to light or exposing something that was previously unseen or unknown, whether it be a physical object, information, or a truth.