
Meaning of ridge: Delve into the meaning and definition of ridge on our page. Explore what ridge truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does ridge mean to you?

A ridge in English typically refers to a long, narrow raised strip of land or rock formations. This physical feature can be found in various landscapes such as mountains, hills, or even underneath bodies of water. A ridge can also refer to the highest point of a mountain or a geological formation that runs along the peak of a mountain range. In addition to its geographical meaning, the term "ridge" is also used in various contexts to describe a raised strip or bump on a surface. For example, a ridge can refer to the raised part of a roof that runs along the top for structural support. In dentistry, a ridge can also refer to the elevated part of a gum line where the teeth are anchored. Overall, the word "ridge" can have multiple meanings depending on the context in which it is used, but it generally refers to a raised strip or elevated part of a surface.