Categories: Communication

"Say" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word say? Please find below our selected examples of "Say" in a sentence.

As verbs:
1. He didn't say anything when I asked him about his new job.
2. Can you say that again? I didn't catch the last part.
3. She always knows the right things to say in difficult situations.
4. Please don't say a word about the surprise party! It's a secret.
5. I would never say anything to hurt your feelings on purpose.

As nouns:
1. His say in the matter is important, so we should listen to his opinion.
2. The final say on this decision rests with the board of directors.
3. Your say matters to me, so please share your thoughts with us.
4. It's always good to hear different viewpoints and have a fair say in the conversation.
5. She had the last say in the argument, and everyone finally quieted down.