Categories: Animals

"She-bear" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word she-bear? Please find below our selected examples of "She-bear" in a sentence.

As a noun
1. The she-bear protected her cubs fiercely from any threat.
2. The hunter spotted a she-bear and her cubs wandering through the forest.
3. The she-bear's den was hidden deep in the mountain cave.

As a verb
4. She-bears are known to fiercely defend their young when provoked.
5. We watched as the she-bear lumbered through the clearing, searching for food.

As an adjective
6. The she-bear instinctively guided her cubs to safety.
7. The she-bear tracks in the snow led the hunters to her den.

As a descriptive phrase
8. The lumbering she-bear made her way through the thick forest.
9. The she-bear's fierce growls warned any intruders to stay away from her cubs.