Examples of Sliced bread in a Sentence
Food and Eating
"Sliced bread" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word sliced bread? Please find below our selected examples of "Sliced bread" in a sentence.
As Nouns:
1. Sliced bread is a staple in most households.
2. I bought a fresh loaf of sliced bread from the bakery.
3. Pass me the sliced bread for making sandwiches.
As Verbs:
1. She carefully sliced the bread for their picnic lunch.
2. Can you please slice the bread before serving it?
As Adjectives:
1. The sliced bread is perfect for making toast.
2. I prefer the convenience of sliced bread for sandwiches.
3. The sliced bread aisle at the store was fully stocked.
As Adverbs:
1. She quickly sliced the bread for the party.
2. The machine efficiently slices bread for commercial use.