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Meaning of slowly: Delve into the meaning and definition of slowly on our page. Explore what slowly truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does slowly mean to you?

"Slowly" is an adverb in English that indicates the rate at which an action or process is carried out. It describes the action of moving, happening, or changing at a low or moderate speed. The word "slowly" can be interpreted as the opposite of quickly or fast. It may connote a sense of relaxation, patience, or deliberateness. For example, one might walk slowly to enjoy the scenery or speak slowly to emphasize a point. "Slowly" can also have a figurative meaning, suggesting a lack of progress or development in a situation. For instance, a project that is moving slowly may imply that it is not advancing as expected or desired. Additionally, the word can be used to describe someone who is mentally or emotionally processing information at a measured pace. Overall, "slowly" encompasses a range of meanings related to speed, progress, and cognition, depending on the context in which it is used.