
Meaning of smart: Delve into the meaning and definition of smart on our page. Explore what smart truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does smart mean to you?

The word "smart" in English can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. It can refer to someone who is intelligent, quick-witted, or clever. For example, a student who consistently gets top grades in school may be described as smart. "Smart" can also describe someone who is well-dressed or stylish, often implying a sense of sophistication or elegance. Additionally, the word can be used to describe technology or devices that are automated or interactive, such as a smartwatch or a smartphone. In some cases, "smart" can also mean pain or stinging, as in the phrase "smarting from a wound". This usage of the word is less common but still exists in certain contexts. Overall, "smart" is a versatile word with a range of meanings related to intelligence, appearance, technology, and sensation.