
"Soccer" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word soccer? Please find below our selected examples of "Soccer" in a sentence.

As a noun:
1. I have been playing soccer since I was a kid.
2. The soccer game ended in a tie.
3. The soccer field was muddy after the heavy rain.
4. The soccer tournament will take place next weekend.
5. My favorite soccer player is Lionel Messi.

As a verb:
1. We soccer every Saturday afternoon.
2. She soccered a perfect shot into the top corner of the net.
3. The team is looking for new players to soccer with them.
4. I love to soccer with my friends in the park.
5. They have been soccering together for years.

As an adjective:
1. He bought new soccer cleats for the upcoming season.
2. The soccer coach was proud of his team's performance.
3. I enjoy watching soccer matches on television.
4. She dreams of playing professional soccer one day.
5. My soccer skills have improved since I started practicing regularly.