Categories: General

"Sort" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word sort? Please find below our selected examples of "Sort" in a sentence.

As a noun:
1. The clothes were organized into neat piles, each one a different sort.
2. We need to figure out what sort of pizza to order for the party.
3. The library had an impressive sort of books on various subjects.
4. What sort of music do you enjoy listening to?

As a verb:
1. I need to sort through all these papers on my desk.
2. She sorted the laundry into whites, colors, and darks.
3. We should sort out our differences before they escalate.
4. The teacher asked the students to sort the shapes by color and size.

As an adverb:
1. The students were sort of tired after the long field trip.
2. He was sort of hoping she would show up at the party.
3. The new movie was sort of boring, to be honest.