Examples of Spoil in a Sentence
"Spoil" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word spoil? Please find below our selected examples of "Spoil" in a sentence.
As a verb:
1. The warm weather can quickly spoil food left out too long.
2. Please don't spoil the surprise party by telling her in advance.
3. The excessive praise may spoil the child and lead to undesirable behavior.
4. If you leave the milk out, it will spoil and become undrinkable.
5. She didn't mean to spoil your birthday, it was just a misunderstanding.
As a noun:
1. She was always known as a spoil sport, never wanting to join in the fun.
2. The spoiled food had to be thrown out before it made anyone sick.
3. The spoiled child always got their way by throwing a tantrum.
4. The spoiled nature of the princess made her difficult to deal with.
5. It's important to store food properly to prevent spoil.