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"Stand-alone" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word stand-alone? Please find below our selected examples of "Stand-alone" in a sentence.

As a noun:
1. The stand-alone building is separate from the main complex.
2. The company released a stand-alone version of the popular software.
3. The novel can be read as a stand-alone or as part of a series.

As an adjective:
4. The stand-alone system operates independently without the need for additional components.
5. This stand-alone app is perfect for users who don't want to download a full software suite.
6. The new film is a stand-alone story not connected to any previous movies.

As a verb:
7. He chose to stand alone in his decision, despite pressure from his colleagues.
8. The artist's work stands alone as a powerful commentary on social issues.
9. The new product will eventually stand alone in the market, without any direct competition.