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"Sunbeam" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word sunbeam? Please find below our selected examples of "Sunbeam" in a sentence.

As Nouns:
1. The warm sunbeam filtered through the window, casting a golden glow over the room.
2. She closed her eyes and basked in the sunbeam, feeling the heat kiss her skin.
3. The cat stretched out lazily in the sunbeam, purring contentedly.
4. The sunbeam danced on the surface of the water, creating a mesmerizing pattern of light.
5. I love waking up to the gentle touch of a sunbeam on my face.

As Verbs:
1. She sunbeamed with joy when she found out she got the job.
2. The flowers seemed to sunbeam as they turned towards the bright rays of the sun.
3. The room was sunbeamed as the curtains were drawn back, allowing the sunlight to flood in.

As Adjectives:
1. The sunbeam-filled garden was a peaceful oasis on a sunny day.
2. Her smile was as bright as a sunbeam on a cloudy day.