
"Tactile" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word tactile? Please find below our selected examples of "Tactile" in a sentence.

As adjective:
1. The tactile response of the fabric was soft and velvety to the touch.
2. She had a tactile learning style, preferring hands-on activities over lectures.
3. The tactile sensation of running my fingers through the sand was calming.
4. The sculpture was designed to appeal to both visual and tactile senses.

As noun:
1. Children learn through tactile experiences, such as playing with different textures.
2. Blind individuals often rely heavily on tactile feedback to navigate their environment.

As verb:
1. She carefully tactile the surface of the painting to feel the layers of paint.
2. The artist tactile the clay, shaping it into a detailed sculpture.