
Meaning of That's not right: Delve into the meaning and definition of That's not right on our page. Explore what That's not right truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does That's not right mean to you?

The phrase "That's not right" is used to express disapproval or disagreement with something that has been said or done. It can indicate that a statement is incorrect, unjust, inappropriate, or morally wrong. This phrase is commonly used in situations where someone has said or done something that goes against commonly accepted beliefs or values. It can also be used to point out mistakes or inaccuracies in information. In some cases, "That's not right" can also imply that something feels off or doesn't sit well with the speaker, even if they can't pinpoint exactly why. Overall, this phrase is a way to communicate dissatisfaction or objection to a particular situation or action.