Examples of This year in a Sentence
"This year" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word this year? Please find below our selected examples of "This year" in a sentence.
As nouns:
1. This year has been difficult for many people due to the ongoing pandemic.
2. Do you have any plans for this year's holiday season?
3. I can't believe how fast this year has flown by.
As verbs:
1. I plan to read more books this year.
2. We will be traveling to Europe later this year.
3. Have you decided where you want to go on vacation this year?
4. I hope to accomplish all of my goals this year.
As adjectives:
1. This year's budget has been carefully planned out.
2. I am hopeful for what this year will bring.
3. It is important to set realistic goals for this year.