Categories: General

"Topmost" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word topmost? Please find below our selected examples of "Topmost" in a sentence.

As noun:
1. The topmost floor of the building offers stunning views of the city.
2. She reached for the topmost book on the shelf, hoping it would contain the information she needed.
3. The topmost part of the mountain was still covered in snow.
4. The topmost priority for the rescue team was to find and help the injured hikers.

As adjective:
1. The topmost layer of the cake was decorated with colorful flowers.
2. The topmost branch of the tree swayed gently in the breeze.
3. The topmost button on the control panel activates the emergency alarm.
4. She had the topmost score in the competition, making her the winner.

As adverb:
1. His name was placed topmost on the list of potential candidates for the job.
2. The banner was displayed topmost on the website to draw attention to the announcement.