
"Traumatic" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word traumatic? Please find below our selected examples of "Traumatic" in a sentence.

As an adjective:
1. The car accident left her with traumatic memories that haunted her for years.
2. Witnessing the violent robbery was a traumatic experience for the store clerk.
3. The soldier suffered traumatic injuries during battle.
4. She sought therapy to help her cope with the traumatic event.
5. The documentary told the story of a traumatic childhood.

As a noun:
1. Survivors of a traumatic event often experience post-traumatic stress disorder.
2. The therapist specializes in helping patients overcome emotional trauma.
3. The accident victim was rushed to the hospital with traumatic injuries.

As a verb:
1. He was traumatized by the abuse he suffered as a child.
2. The soldier was traumatized by the horrors of war.
3. She struggled to overcome the traumas of her past experiences.