Categories: Numbers

Meaning of twentieth: Delve into the meaning and definition of twentieth on our page. Explore what twentieth truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does twentieth mean to you?

"Twentieth" is an ordinal number that refers to an item in a sequence that is 20th in order. It can be used to describe the position of something in a series or list, such as the twentieth book on a shelf, the twentieth day of the month, or the twentieth century. This word can also represent a fraction, like one twentieth, which indicates one part of a whole divided into 20 equal parts. Additionally, "twentieth" can be used as an adjective to describe something that is part of a group of twenty identical items. In summary, "twentieth" is a versatile word that can denote order, quantity, fraction, or description within the context of the number 20. It plays a crucial role in organizing, categorizing, and quantifying elements in various scenarios, making it an essential term in the English language.