Examples of Uncalled for in a Sentence
"Uncalled for" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word uncalled for? Please find below our selected examples of "Uncalled for" in a sentence.
As adjectives:
1. His uncalled for behavior at the party left everyone feeling uncomfortable.
2. The teacher reprimanded the student for his uncalled for outburst in class.
3. Making such uncalled for comments about someone's appearance is not acceptable.
4. The decision to fire him seemed uncalled for given his years of dedication to the company.
As adverbs:
1. Please don't speak to me uncalled for in front of my colleagues.
2. The sudden raise in fees seemed uncalled for during such difficult economic times.
As nouns:
1. It was clear that his insult was an uncalled for attack on her character.
2. I don't appreciate your uncalled for remarks about my personal life.
As verbs:
1. I'm sorry for uncalled for interrupting you during the meeting.