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Meaning of unknown: Delve into the meaning and definition of unknown on our page. Explore what unknown truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does unknown mean to you?

The word "unknown" in English refers to something that is not familiar, not recognized, or not understood. It typically describes a person, thing, or situation that is not identified or known. For example, an unknown person could be someone whose identity is not known or a place that is unfamiliar. In a broader sense, "unknown" can also refer to something that is mysterious, obscure, or lacking in knowledge or information. It can imply a sense of uncertainty, unfamiliarity, or unpredictability. In the context of exploration, discovery, or research, "unknown" is often associated with the pursuit of knowledge and understanding in uncharted territories or unexplored areas. Overall, "unknown" conveys a sense of ambiguity, curiosity, and intrigue about what is not yet known or revealed.