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Meaning of unlikely: Delve into the meaning and definition of unlikely on our page. Explore what unlikely truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does unlikely mean to you?

"Unlikely" is an adjective that means not probable or not inclined to happen. It can refer to something that is improbable, not expected or not very likely to occur. The word suggests a low chance of something happening based on current circumstances or known factors. It can also imply that a certain outcome or event is not in line with what is usual, standard or reasonable. In everyday conversation, "unlikely" is often used to express doubt or skepticism about the possibility of a particular situation or event taking place. For example, if someone says "It is unlikely to rain tomorrow", they are suggesting that the chances of rain occurring the next day are low. Overall, "unlikely" conveys a sense of improbability or unlikelihood, indicating that a specific outcome or event is not expected or anticipated to happen based on the information or context available.