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Meaning of variation: Delve into the meaning and definition of variation on our page. Explore what variation truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does variation mean to you?

Variation refers to a change or difference in form, condition, or quality from one state to another. It can also mean a deviation or departure from a standard or norm. In the context of genetics and biology, variation refers to differences or diversity in traits or characteristics among individuals of the same species. Variations in music, art, and literature are elements that add interest or creativity by introducing contrasting elements or ideas. In mathematics, a variation is a quantity that changes or fluctuates in value. Variations can also refer to modifications or alterations made to something to suit a specific purpose or preference. Additionally, in statistics, variation is the variability or dispersion of data points in a set. Overall, the term variation encompasses the idea of change, diversity, deviation, or modification across various disciplines and contexts.