Categories: General

"Watch over" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word watch over? Please find below our selected examples of "Watch over" in a sentence.

As a verb:
1. I will watch over you as you sleep to make sure you're safe.
2. The security guard was hired to watch over the museum during the night.
3. The children asked their grandmother to watch over them while they played outside.
4. The shepherd promised to watch over his flock day and night.
5. A guardian angel is believed to watch over and protect us.

As a noun:
1. The watch over the town was entrusted to the police chief.
2. The parent's constant watch over their child brought them peace of mind.
3. The king appointed guards to keep a watch over the castle.
4. The mountain guide had the responsibility of keeping a watch over the climbers.
5. The watch over the bank vault was meticulous to ensure no unauthorized entry.