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Meaning of weigh: Delve into the meaning and definition of weigh on our page. Explore what weigh truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does weigh mean to you?

"Weigh" is a verb that has several meanings in English. One common definition of "weigh" is to determine the weight of an object using a scale or balance. This could refer to measuring the mass of an item in kilograms or pounds. In a more figurative sense, "weigh" can also mean to consider or evaluate the importance or implications of something before making a decision. For example, one might "weigh" the pros and cons of a situation before coming to a conclusion. Additionally, "weigh" can refer to the physical sensation of heaviness or lightness, as in feeling weighed down by responsibilities or decisions. Overall, "weigh" is a versatile word that can encompass measurements, evaluations, and emotional experiences related to heaviness or importance.