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Meaning of weighty: Delve into the meaning and definition of weighty on our page. Explore what weighty truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does weighty mean to you?

"Weighty" can have several meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Generally, it refers to something that has a significant amount of weight or mass, either literally or figuratively. In a literal sense, "weighty" can describe an object that is heavy or dense. For example, a weighty rock or a weighty book may be difficult to lift or carry due to its heaviness. Figuratively, "weighty" can describe something that carries importance, seriousness, or significance. For example, a weighty decision is one that has far-reaching consequences and requires careful consideration. A weighty topic of conversation may be intense, profound, or impactful. Overall, "weighty" conveys the idea of something that is substantial, substantial, or significant in some way, whether physically or metaphorically.