Examples of Well acquainted in a Sentence
"Well acquainted" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word well acquainted? Please find below our selected examples of "Well acquainted" in a sentence.
As adjectives:
1. The two old friends were well acquainted with each other's habits.
2. She was well acquainted with the customs of the country.
3. They were well acquainted neighbors for years.
4. He became well acquainted with the rules of the game after many hours of practice.
As verbs:
1. She made an effort to become well acquainted with the new members of the team.
2. Through their shared experiences, they quickly became well acquainted with each other.
3. It takes time to become well acquainted with a new job.
4. After living in the city for years, I am well acquainted with its many quirks and charms.
As adverbs:
1. Despite only meeting once, they quickly became well acquainted.
2. He spoke so eloquently that it was clear he was well acquainted with the subject matter.
3. She navigated the party with ease, clearly well acquainted with social gatherings.
4. They worked well together on the project, each one well acquainted with their role.