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Meaning of wonder: Delve into the meaning and definition of wonder on our page. Explore what wonder truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does wonder mean to you?

The word "wonder" can have several different meanings in English. It can refer to a feeling of amazement or admiration, often in response to something beautiful, extraordinary, or unexpected. For example, witnessing a breathtaking sunset might inspire a sense of wonder. "Wonder" can also mean curiosity or a desire to know more about something. For instance, a child might wonder about how the stars are formed in the sky. Additionally, "wonder" can be used as a verb to indicate that someone is thinking about or questioning something. For example, a person might wonder why certain things happen the way they do. Overall, "wonder" encompasses a range of emotions and actions, from awe and admiration to curiosity and contemplation. It is a versatile word that captures the complexity of human experience and perception.