
Meaning of worldly: Delve into the meaning and definition of worldly on our page. Explore what worldly truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does worldly mean to you?

The term "worldly" in English can have multiple meanings depending on the context. One common definition of "worldly" is relating to or concerned with material things, such as wealth, possessions, or physical pleasures. It can also refer to being experienced or sophisticated in worldly matters, such as knowledge of different cultures or social customs. In a religious or spiritual context, "worldly" can have a negative connotation, describing someone who is overly focused on material concerns at the expense of their spiritual or moral development. Furthermore, "worldly" can also mean belonging to or existing in the physical world as opposed to the spiritual or heavenly realm. It can imply a perspective that is grounded in the here and now rather than in abstract or theoretical concepts. Overall, "worldly" is a versatile term that can encompass a range of meanings related to materialism, knowledge, experience, and perspective.